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Gram Niyojan Kendra initially prepared development plans for government and voluntary organizations working for the development of people in various parts of the country. Kendra undertook its first research study in the year 1981 with the study of Kolta Women in JaunsarBawar Area with the objective of understanding the prevalence of prostitution among them on account of polyandry system. This was the first study that was ever undertaken on the phenomenon of trafficking based on socio-cultural practices.

Since then the Kendra has conducted 22 research studies. Nine studies have been done on the issue of trafficking. Kendra has experience of undertaking action research studies and these studies have been widely referred for developing program strategies on various issues.

Kendra also published a Handbook for Voluntary Agencies which was widely circulated and used by local organisations and NGO’s.


Sr. No Plan Geographical location Sponsoring Agency Sponsoring Agency
1 Development plan in a drought area 20 villages of Chandragiri Block, Chittoor Dist. Andhra Pradesh Society for Development of Rural Sericulture Industry, Tirupati (A.P.) Society for Development of Rural Sericulture Industry, Tirupati (A.P.)
2 Five villages’ development plan 5 villages of Manbazar, Block II, Purulia Dist., W.B. Society for Developing Gramdans, Mirzapur (U.P.) Bengal Social Service League, Calcutta (W.B.)
3 Planning for full employment: A watershed development plan. One watershed, Area, Manbazar, Block I, Dist.- Purulia , West Bengal Draught Prone Area Project, Department of Rural Development. Govt. of India. LokabratiSoceity, Purulia& Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi.
4 Development plan for SamuktalaAnchalJalpaiguri Dist. (W.B.) 10 villages of SamuktalaAnchal, Dist. - Jalpaiguri, W.B. Darjeeling Diocese, Darjeeling (W.B.) Darjeeling Diocese, Darjeeling (W.B.)
5 Development plan for 119 villages in Rangpur areas of Baroda, Dist. Gujarat. 119 villages of Dist.- Rangpur, Baroda, Gujarat AnandNiketan Ashram, Rangpur, Gujarat. AnandNiketan Ashram, Rangpur, Gujarat.


Sr. No Study Sponsoring Agency Year
1 Survey of Socio-economic problems in 24 villages of Balangir district. Synodical Board of Social Service, Calcutta 1981
2 Socio-economic status of Kolta Women in JaunsarBawar Area. The Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt. of India 1981
3 Socio-economic position of women in Ghaziabad Gram Niyojan Kendra, Ghazianad 1983
4 An evaluative study of TDTI, Rajpur OXFAM India 1984
5 Problems of the Aged Gram Niyojan Kendra 1984
6 Flesh Trade / Trafficking of Women in U.P. The Ministry of Social Welfare, Govt. of India 1985
7 Study of public latrine system especially for women in Ghaziabad. T.D.H., New Delhi 1986
8 Assessment of IRD programme in one block of the Meerut district. State Govt. of U.P. 1986
9 Documentation of Rural Development programme and schemes of the Government Gandhi Peace Centre, Hyderabad 1987
10 Study on Drought in Rajasthan EZE, Germany 1988